Visa B2B Connect – Global payments through a single connection

Visa B2B Connect's multilateral network delivers B2B cross-border payments that are predictable, secure and cost-effective for financial institutions and their corporate clients.

How Visa B2B Connect works

Diagram uses icons in Visa gold and blue colors to illustrate a more efficient cross-border payment transaction. See image description.

Diagram uses icons in Visa gold and blue colors to illustrate a more efficient cross-border payment transaction.

The graphic shows a streamlined transaction of how Business A would send a payment to Business B. The transaction begins with Business A on the left, passes through its bank, Bank A, located immediately to its right, and then through the Visa B2B Connect network to Business B’s bank, Bank B on the right, and finally to Business B.

Business A is represented with a corporate building icon. Business A connects to the icon of Bank A immediately to its right with an arrow, indicating the flow of payment. Bank A icon is located along the far left edge of a circle that represents the reach of the Visa B2B Connect network. Inside this circle is a symbol for Visa B2B Connect. At the far right side of the circle, there is an icon for Bank B, indicating Bank A and Bank B are both part of the Visa B2B Connect network. The transaction from Bank A to Bank B flows through the Visa B2B Connect network. Bank B then connects directly to Business B on its immediate right side with another arrow, indicating how the payment will ultimately reach Business B, represented with a corporate building icon, after travelling directly between the two banks across the Visa B2B Connect network.

Lock symbols, located to the right of Business A and to the left of Business B, indicate that the Visa B2B Connect network is secure, its digital identity feature tokenizing Business A and Business B’s sensitive information.

Get connected

To learn more about Visa B2B Connect and how it can benefit your financial institution and your corporate clients, contact one of our Account Executives.